gloCOM Meeting GO allows users to participate in meetings on the go. User can carry its own office in a pocket and take part in audio and video conferences, in which can send messages to the meeting participants and view the shared screen.
This application serves as a viewer app for meetings hosted on the PBXware network. User only need the meeting number from the organizer to join.
On the App start there are three text inputs on the first (join) screen:
Meeting Number and Email are used for authorization purposes.
Meetings can be private or public. For private meetings the user needs to be invited by an email to be eligible to join the meeting. For public meetings the user doesn’t need to be invited, which means that email can be arbitrary.
Meeting Number field accepts only numbers if the meeting is private, public meeting numbers start with 0800, then the field can also accept other characters.
For testing purposes public meeting will be used. Reserved Meeting Number for review is “080083780”. Display Name is arbitrary, for example "Google”. Email is also arbitrary, for example “”.
After filling fields with mentioned data, the join button should be pressed to join the meeting. Meeting data authorization will follow. If a public meeting exists, or a user is invited in a private meeting, authorization will be successful. If it’s unsuccessful, the user will be redirected back to the join screen. On successful join the user will be redirected to the main screen. All services will be joined automatically.
Services which will be joined are:
On meeting leave connections to all the services will be closed. Due to the microservice architecture of the product, joining the services will be an asynchronous task, which means that order of joining is not constant.
In the upper right corner there is a hamburger icon for meeting settings. A user can set preferred settings before joining a meeting. Chosen preferred settings will be applied on meeting join and saved in local storage for subsequent meetings.
Will predefine meeting, audio, and video options that will be default for each meeting user join.
Meeting settings:
Audio settings:
Video settings:
App info:
In the meeting screen there are five main buttons:
Chat tab is used for exchanging messages, files and images between the users.
Participants tab contains a list with all the users in the meeting, with audio and video state.
Also, there are two more buttons in the top left corner. First one is speaker which is used for controlling the specific speaker the user wants to use. By clicking the button, new window appears allowing user to choose between all connected audio devices. The second button is for camera rotation. When the video is enabled, by clicking the button the camera will rotate.
On the meeting join buttons will be disabled until services are joined, which means that the user is unavailable to change the state of the button until service is joined.
When some button is active it will light up and change the icon, which is shown in the following picture.
When the user presses the video on/off button, the user's video stream will appear on the screen and video state (on or off) will be sent to the video server. Users' video stream will be focused if there is no other video stream in the meeting, or it will be in the list of video streams if there are other video streams.
When the user presses mute/unmute button, the microphone will be muted/unmuted locally and the audio state will be sent to the audio server.
When the user presses the speaker on/off button the speaker will be turned on/off locally.
On leave meeting button pressed, the user will be asked again if there is an intent to leave a meeting (alert will pop up). On “yes” pressed connection to all services will be closed and user will be redirected to the join screen.
Portrait and landscape orientations are allowed in the meeting screen.
Screen sharing is also available in both: portrait and landscape orientation:
The list is sorted by the number of participants in the meeting. Regarding how much there are, the list is optimized for better view and experience. Grid is sorted for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 participants, and if there are over 6 participants arrows appear at the edge of the screen for listing screen left and right in order to see all participants:
Me stream is used for displaying users camera. On small number of participants it is shown in the bottom right corner, and by increasing the number of participants the users stream is put on the beginning of the list, so that user can always see his stream.
With gloCOM Meeting GO mobile user can only participate in screen sharing sessions as a client (viewer). User can’t share screen from gloCOM Meeting GO.
There will be no video streams list when screen sharing is active. Only a video stream of the presenter and users own video stream are available. Video stream of the presenter (meeting participant who is sharing the screen) is in the top right corner (1 in Figure 13). Video stream of a user is in the bottom right corner (2 in Figure 13).
When the user presses the chat tab, the user will be redirected to the chat screen. While in chat user can send and receive messages, including image and file messages.
To write a message the user needs to press on text input (1 in Figure 14). After writing a message to send it, the user needs to press the send button (2 in Figure 14).
To send a file, the user needs to press the clip button (3 in Figure 14). After pressing the clip button file explorer will be opened. Then the user needs to choose a file to send.
To send an image, the user needs to press on the image button that will be available after pressing 3 to send file (3 in Figure 14). After pressing the image button the image explorer
will be opened. Then the user needs to choose an image to send.
To exit the chat screen and go back to the meeting screen, user needs to click on the exit button (4 in Figure 14)
When the user presses the participants, the user will be redirected to the participants screen. In the participants screen, the user can see the state (audio, video) of every participant. If there is nor audio or video state for the participant, it means that the participant is not joined in the meeting.
To leave a meeting, the user needs to press the Leave meeting button. Alert will pop up, asking the user to confirm again.
On confirmation, the user will be redirected to the meeting left and a message will be shown, informing the user that the meeting is successfully left.