User can join the meeting using the gloCOM Meeting web application. Link to the app is: gloCOM Meeting Web App
Be aware that the web app supports only the join meeting part, not creating the meeting.
Once the user has entered the page, they will be greeted with the following Join Meeting screen
This screen consists of two parts - Login data on the left side, and User’s audio and video settings on the right side, that will be used during the meeting.
Before switching to explanation of main options here, there will be given basic information about permissions that should be granted in order to use the Meeting web app.
Meeting web app needs permission to:
The user can enable these options as follows:
If the necessary permissions for camera and/or microphone have not been granted, the user will see a dialogue box asking them to grant the permissions:
Here can be found the options to enable camera and microphone on the web browser quickly:
After user provided all necessary permission regarding audio and video outputs, the next step is to enter following login informations:
Your Meeting Number and Email are used for authorization purposes.
Meetings can be private or public. For private meetings the user needs to be invited by an email to be eligible to join the meeting. For public meetings the user doesn’t need to be invited, which means that email can be arbitrary.
After filling fields with mentioned data, the Join Meeting button should be pressed to join the meeting. Meeting data authorization will follow. If a public meeting exists, or a user is invited in a private meeting, authorization will be successful and the user will join the meeting. All services will be joined automatically as well.
If it’s unsuccessful, the user will be redirected back to the join screen. And message appears informing user that join details are incorrect:
If the user is distributed a direct link to the meeting, the user will already have the meeting number filled in when accessing the page. If user was joining meeting via web app before, name and email will also be filled out:
On the right side of the screen user can setup audio and video meeting settings:
Following microphone and camera settings will be used when the user joins the meeting:
Further settings allows user to set up devices, background effects, etc:
Choose your video device allows the user to choose which video device will be used during the meeting. Select device from the drop down list.
Choose your output device allows the user to choose which audio output device will be used during the meeting. Select device from the drop down list.
Choose your input device allows the user to choose which audio input device will be used during the meeting. Select device from the drop down list.
Background effects allows the user to mask their background. By clicking on the button, a new screen will appear offering different options for background effects, including loading your new picture that can be used for background. User can also set background after joining a meeting by clicking Video arrow > Background Effects.
Test speaker will play a sound to the user to make sure they are using the correct audio output device.
Remember my setup allows the user to keep these settings for the next time they use gloCOM Meeting by checking it.
Once the user set up all audio and video settings, and filled out all necessary and correct login information, they will have been successfully joined in the meeting. Meeting interface appears with the meeting window and toolbar at the bottom of the window.
Default view when the user joins the meeting is Speaker view:
The user is able to change their view of the participants, they can either use the grid or speaker view. The grid view will show more participants in a grid fashion, while the speaker view will put the focus on one of the participants. The button to switch between Speaker and Grid mode is located in the bottom right corner.
While in speaker mode, the user has the option to hide the participants at the top to give a clearer view of the speaker. The button is located in the top right corner.
If the user is in Speaker view the user can pin a participant to make that participant's video the primary video.
If a participant is talking, the user will be able to see that there is a moving icon in their participant bubble
List all video participants in grid or speaker view using arrows:
Me video stream is always pinned to first positon.
The grid view in the meeting will automatically change the number of video streams based on the number of participants in the meeting.
It follows the following conditions:
Default meeting toolbar (without screen sharing started) looks this way:
Once a participant has joined the audio of the meeting they can freely mute or unmute themself by clicking on the mute/unmute icon. The current state is one that is displayed in the user’s toolbar. There is also the option to switch between audio devices if the user clicks on the up arrow next to the button.
A participant can enable video sharing if they have a video capturing device connected to their computer. They can enable or disable the device in the meeting at any point by clicking on the video icon.
The user can also change their video device if they click on the upwards pointing arrow to the right of the button.
The user can also enable “background effects” here as well.
The user can view the list of the people present in the meeting. The button will also display the number of participants in the meeting.
The user can press this button to share their screen with the other participants in the meeting. The user will have the option to share either:
Once user start sharing screen the meeting toolbar will change to have a Pause and Stop sharing button:
If user clicks Pause video sharing, then meeting toolbar will add new button for Resume sharing option:
Also user is allowed to enable/disable screen sharing preview in web application while sharing screen using button for it in top left corner:
By default, when user start screen sharing, Screen sharing preview is enabled:
Additionally, if user shares web browser tab, this message appears on shared tab informing user that tab is shared, and also giving user direct link for meeting web browser tab for easier switching and coordinating tabs:
The user can input text information into the chat and receive information from the other participants. This includes support for file sharing and emojis.
The user can make their screen expand to get a better view of the other video participants.
The user can press this button to remove themself from the meeting. Once the user clicks on the button they will be prompted to confirm their departure from the meeting.
Once you click on options you will have these points of interest: